Thursday 3 November 2016

Documentary Skeleton Film Plan

My documentary will be in four parts to show four different perspectives. Each part will be three minutes in length. The documentary will be assembled from the following materials:
  • Interviews with contributors
  • Actuality footage of each contributor in their relevant surroundings/of the relevant surroundings
  • Video footage of myself
  • Photographs of babies
  • An audio recording of myself doing voiceovers

Teenage Mothers - Elissa, Becca, Sky and myself.
I hope to interview the teenage mothers at home with their children.
Healthcare Professionals - Abi and Karen.
I hope to conduct these interviews in a professional environment, if not at work then maybe an office/study at home with their work uniforms/equipment present.
Media Workers - ONGOING!
Older Generation - Nan and Vox Pops.
As my Nan lives in London I will interview her over Face Time. I still need to decide where to carry out the Vox pops, though I am thinking Middlesbrough Town Centre.

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