Tuesday 29 September 2015

Unit 24: Writing for Television and Video Class Task - Six word story

At the beginning of every screenwriting session I am given the task to write a six word story following a few words given as the title. This is to think over the words that are being used, to conjure up a story in my mind.

Happiness is - A home full of wonderful memories

Childhood Memories - Happiness, and laughter along the way

When I Grow Up - I'll be happy and filthy rich

The Best Thing About This Week Will Be - My early weekend beginning after Thursday

Romantic Gesture - Her eyes, sparkling pools of emerald

My Future Epitaph - Passionate for what she believed in

The Uninvited Guest - His haunting eyes and despairing demeanour

The Reason You Write - To express my most inner feelings

Some Really Bad Advice - Move out, it's so much fun

A message from someone you haven't seen in years - Bearer of inviting or unwelcome news

They can take my life, but they can never take my - Hopes and dreams for the future

Being a writer is - A time limit full of papercuts

The world today is - Hopeful prayers for a better tomorrow 

The thought of this assignment makes me - Doubt my writing skills and imagination