Saturday 5 March 2016

Task 1: Future Learn

In the first week I learnt about all the different roles and what each person did in the industry. It also gave an insight into the filmmaking process, following these seven steps:
1. Development
2. Pre-Production
3. Production
4. Principle Photography
5. Wrap
6. Post-Production
7. Distribution

In the second week it went into more detail about the different departments and roles. I knew this industry was big but I didn't realise to what extent! There were also people from each job role who gave an overview of what their job consisted of and spoke about their previous work. It also gave some information on the pre-production paperwork and showed some examples of what is used on a film set.

In the third week the course taught me about the role of a runner and the different types. It gave information on how to be the best runner possible (which would help you progress career wise) and stand out.

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