Monday 7 March 2016

Short Films Production Diary Week 1 - Monday 7th

Monday 7th March

Today was our first day of filming 'The Spider and the Fly.' The crew and cast all met at Base to collect the equipment and travel to the location together. We took a mini bus to Norton, we had planned to start filming at 11 and finish at 2 but an actor was late. However we finished on schedule and returned to college before we had originally planned; this worked out well because when scheduling our shoot days we hoped to give ourselves more time than less to film. As this was my first day of directing I was a little bit nervous but majorly excited and couldn't wait to get started! Today's shoot was only 4 scenes, our Assistant Director was on another shoot so the Production Co-ordinator (Jess) took on this role also. Myself and the crew were happy with most of the footage we got. We all agreed that the exterior shots could have been better if the boom mic had been noticed at the top of the screen. I believe I did my role well today and starting to see my script transform into film gave me goosebumps. I can't wait to continue filming tomorrow.


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