Thursday 16 March 2017

Unit 37: Task 4


The Ufilms Oscars Rundown has come to a close and I think it's fair to say the past two weeks has been one of the busiest and stressful times for all of the Ufilms team. However I think as a whole this has proved successful and despite setbacks we managed to film, edit and schedule, 2 weeks worth of footage with only days to plan. Our content is of professional standard, informative and fun. everything Ufilms stands for.

Both my segments, co-presenting alongside Matthew, went extremely well. I think we were very natural on camera and really enjoyed presenting for the first time. I definitely think it helped being paired up with Matthew. As one of my closest friends we can get along and take about anything for hours on end. We know how the other thinks and what to say to make them laugh. We also aren't afraid to have differing opinions, which was important, as we both had different views on different outfits. I think we worked very well as a team.

We've received lots of good feedback from audience, members of the team and tutors, which was so good to hear. Peers branded us as a young Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield, (thankfully as I'm yet to find a grey hair on Matthew's head), as two incredibly talented people on screen it was great feedback. I received lots of messages from friends outside of college and family members saying how well I had done presenting and how much fun they had watching and listening about the fashion at the Oscars. They had seen the videos through the Ufilms team online presence and constant sharing to friends. Our tutor, Kelly, said we were naturals on screen and delivered our segment easily.

There isn't much I would change about our segments. The only issue we had occasionally was time management. I think we could have planned or time more efficiently and left ourselves with more time to edit our videos together etc. Sometimes it got very stuffy in the studio and I think regular breaks during filming would have proved helpful for all of the crew also. 

As a crew, everybody in Ufilms did a fantastic job. Everybody helped each other; whether it was being on screen as a guest, filming last minute due to absences or helping another person edit a certain part of their video. Everyone managed to upload their videos on time, with only a couple one/two hours late but always on the correct day, despite the set backs being out of their control. We worked endlessly and despite everyone's moods constantly changing we kept each other going and didn't give up. Our YouTube channel looks incredible thanks to headers and thumbnails created by Ben. Matty also created an intro graphic relevant to the Oscars for all of us to use before our videos began. Taylor created nameplates using Ufilms branding - an orange and black colour scheme and our social media accounts underneath so people could find us on other social media sites. I do think our videos could have done with a little more. Maybe some sound effects or more graphics to make us look more professional. Our reaches on Facebook have been huge during The Ufilms Oscars Rundown and after, proving we have been a success online.

Although we were faced with many setbacks the Ufilms team pulled together and achieved our goals we previously set. A job well done!

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