Saturday 3 December 2016

Unit 27: Factual Programme - Working Blog

Today I finally began shooting my documentary. The past few weeks have certainly not been the easiest - with more and more contributors pulling out of the project I didn't think my documentary would actually be made. I've had to change my idea slightly, now following three teenage mothers in three different stages of motherhood. One being pregnant, one with a baby and one with a toddler. I hope to keep each to a 3 minute video and present them as part of Channel 4's Three Minute Wonder segment. 
As myself and my son are part of the documentary it was smooth sailing getting footage - as much as smooth can be with a three year old. A family member got footage of us playing in the park, which I hope to use as cutaways during interviews. I also got footage of Bradley alone. 

I was due to film my documentary this weekend however when I tried to turn on the DSLR this evening it would not work. After spending the weekend fixing the issue I'll now have to wait until college starts again after the holidays to continue.

My documentary idea has changed completely, again. It will now focus around myself and my story of being a teenage mother. Due to no crew (classmates having to drop out to focus on their own films), contributors to interview (busy schedules of mothers clashing easily) and lack of time I've had no choice but to change the whole documentary.
Getting out the equipment ready to film on location at Stuart's Park it became apparent that the tripod (from new equipment bought a couple of weeks ago) was wonky - despite the spirit level being perfect. This proved an issue even after changing the tripod legs as every shot was on a slight slant. After realising there was nothing to be done I spent the weekend getting footage of my daily routines with Bradley and an interview of myself (Joey on camera and asking questions). I got in touch with Matthew and Jess that morning and asked if they could take five minutes to come up with some questions with me.

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