Monday 29 February 2016

Short Film Production Meeting Agenda - 1

22/02/16 2:20pm-3:10pm

Discussing the topic, locations; JB and TH still need completed Reece’s. All three films, DC, JB and TH need photographs of potential locations. TH will be taking action in the form of contacting MD’s school to request the use of location and using Drama students as extras. The other option is using Honey’s house. JB has visited the plane interior and just needs to tell Susanna the dates needed. JB is currently in contact with Durham Tees Valley, enquiring about use of location.

Discussing the topic, casting; all casting is going well. No male actors are interested in the role of DC’s antagonist so Joey will be playing the role. Although he isn’t a professional actor, the character’s face (as Josh) is never shown.

Discussing the topic, sugar glass; unless we buy two bottles it will have to be one shot and will have to work perfectly. Which shot is TH wanting, the throw or the impact? How can we make it believable? TH will be researching other films.

Discussing the topic, make-up; all films require normal make-up. TH needs blood.

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