Monday 5 October 2015

Unit 24: Writing for Television and Video Class Task - The Unknown

A couple of weeks back I was given the task of beginning and completing a 'What if?' Story structure. The name of my story is, The Unknown. I had to create a synopsis, a brief few lines to give an idea of the story which had to include the main character's name, the setting and key plot points to the story:
The day started off as any other for ordinary, city girl, receptionist Louise, but she has no idea how much can change in a few days... A government conspiracy and a diminishing population; who is left? Or what? 

The profiles for my characters include their dominant impression (outer presence) and their dominant attitude (inner presence).

Main Character 
Dominant impression:
My main character is called Louise and she is in her early 20's. She wears smart casual clothing in and out of work, but always has a pair of black pointed pumps and her laptop bag in hand. Her make up is minimal but continuously on. Louise takes her time moving and her style of speech is very advanced. 
Dominant attitude: 
Louise is very intelligent and has a good general knowledge. She is very driven, passionate and overly caring/emotive. She is also extremely inquisitive which is portrayed in my story as she wants to know what's happening in her workplace. She hardly ever loses her temper because she's always trying too hard to impress others. Louise likes to keep busy and feel as though she's doing all she can, she dislikes not knowing what is going on around her. Her biggest fear is being alone and also doing things wrong. Louise's goal is to leave her "boring" receptionist job and become a world famous writer. She is very self-image driven and makes an effort to be what other people want her to be. She lacks self confidence and has to impress others to feel better about herself. 
Characters 'World': 
Louise's relationship with her collegue Lisa is personal as they are also friends however Louise occasionally gets sick of her friends attitude at work. Louise doesn't have a love interest or any other friends. She is middle class and well educated but she couldn't afford to go to her first choice university, so she accepted a receptionist with a 'top secret' organisation with all expenses paid; this is how she can afford to live in her apartment with a exceptional city view. She was brought up in the 90's by her Grandma as her parents passed away when she was very little. Her Grandma also passed away when she was 16, leaving Louise with no family and taking care of herself. 

Secondary Character 
Lisa is also a receptionist at the same place as Louise. They are friends in and out the workplace and also live two blocks apart. Lisa's goal in life is to actually keep a job for longer than two months and find a man to take care of her. She grew up with her parents and two brothers, they didn't have much money. Her only interest is trying to get a lover who can pay for her ideal lifestyle of parties and not having to work. Lisa changes as she realises she must chance her attitude to actually keep people in her life. 

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