Monday 7 September 2015

Unit 29: Music Video Production Class Task - Favourite video

Sia - Chandelier music video
One of my favourite music videos is based in a run down, grey apartment, with no colour or life. A young girl plays the main (and only) character in this music video, her gymnastic dancing is transfixing from beginning to end. Sia herself doesn't appear in her own music videos as she hides her identity from the public eye. However, I feel this girl is portraying Sia in every step she takes. Her ballerina moves mimic being moved like a puppet, dancing on her own, arguing to 'invisible people' and crying; accompanied with the song it is hauntingly good. It shows that sometimes the simple music videos can be just as good as the 'out there' crazy ones.


  1. If Sia doesn't show her own image how would you feel having to put together a promotional music video for her? would it be a harder task?

    1. I don't think it would be that hard because in all her music videos the theme is contemporary dance and always have a deeper meaning. She is more interested in selling herself through her music than through a physical image.
