Tuesday 29 September 2015

Unit 24: Writing for Television and Video Class Task - Six word story

At the beginning of every screenwriting session I am given the task to write a six word story following a few words given as the title. This is to think over the words that are being used, to conjure up a story in my mind.

Happiness is - A home full of wonderful memories

Childhood Memories - Happiness, and laughter along the way

When I Grow Up - I'll be happy and filthy rich

The Best Thing About This Week Will Be - My early weekend beginning after Thursday

Romantic Gesture - Her eyes, sparkling pools of emerald

My Future Epitaph - Passionate for what she believed in

The Uninvited Guest - His haunting eyes and despairing demeanour

The Reason You Write - To express my most inner feelings

Some Really Bad Advice - Move out, it's so much fun

A message from someone you haven't seen in years - Bearer of inviting or unwelcome news

They can take my life, but they can never take my - Hopes and dreams for the future

Being a writer is - A time limit full of papercuts

The world today is - Hopeful prayers for a better tomorrow 

The thought of this assignment makes me - Doubt my writing skills and imagination

Thursday 24 September 2015

Unit 29: Music Video Production Class Task - The commisioning of a music video

The first step of commissioning a music video is to come up with an idea from a brief from a record label, eg. Warner bros. You then work with some other members of the team to collect the right picture references for your idea; so whoever you pitch for gets the idea visually.
After winning the pitch for the music video, it's pre-production. Choosing cameramen, casting, finding locations, working with the art department, working with a storyboard artist or meeting the clients. It's all about making the decisions and leading the team to deliver what the client wants.
Then it's shoot days, there isn't much time and a lot to film. About two days is out a side for filming. 
The last stage is the post production, focusing on editing, CGI, sound and colour grading. There is a lot of time spent looking at monitors and crafting the piece into a final film.

Emil Nava (a popular music video director, he directs all of Jessie J's videos) says that hard work and learning with practical experience are the best ways to train for music video work. His first experience was as a runner on set of a music video, he made tea and helped with all the different departments where and when he could. Making a positive name for himself led to him progressing up the job ladder until he became an assistant director; where you manage the set and are the mouth and logistical side of the director.
He then started making his own little videos and building his reel. He started taking his show reel around different companies. It's hard work as the competition is very stiff and there a lot of people doing it.

Every time you make something you will learn more, develop your own style and find the route you want to take.

Monday 7 September 2015

Unit 29: Music Video Production Class Task - Favourite video

Sia - Chandelier music video
One of my favourite music videos is based in a run down, grey apartment, with no colour or life. A young girl plays the main (and only) character in this music video, her gymnastic dancing is transfixing from beginning to end. Sia herself doesn't appear in her own music videos as she hides her identity from the public eye. However, I feel this girl is portraying Sia in every step she takes. Her ballerina moves mimic being moved like a puppet, dancing on her own, arguing to 'invisible people' and crying; accompanied with the song it is hauntingly good. It shows that sometimes the simple music videos can be just as good as the 'out there' crazy ones.

Class Task - My dream job in the film and tv industry...

As I like to think of myself as a very creative person, I would love to be a screenwriter; and of course a director. I'm hoping this course will open new pathways for me, teach me how the industry works and all the different aspects. I also can't wait to learn about the editing side of post-production as that seems really interesting.


"If there is resistance to women making movies, I choose to ignore it. That is because I cannot change my gender and I refuse to stop making movies."